We are Frank and Toni Whitney, owners / operators of Toni Whitney Design.

A bit about us; we started our business venture in 2008…yes, during the Great Recession…but because of devout quilters such as yourselves, we managed to push through the tough times and very grateful that we are still here.
We live near the very small and quaint village of Bigfork in N.W. Montana just within an hours drive of Glacier National Park. Our home is located deep in the woods nestled up against the Rocky Mountain Range where our most common visitors are Whitetail deer, Grizzly, black bear, mountain lion, elk, moose, fox, bobcat, wild turkey and all the other forest creatures.
When not working, we are very busy playing! Frank is an avid downhill skier averaging more than 70 vertical miles per season. He is also a tried-and-true Missoula Montana Grizzly College Football fan attending every home game played. Around home, Frank can be most often found on his beloved tractor “Big Orange” plowing in the winter, processing firewood in the fall and helping neighbors with any chore in between.
While creating art quilt designs and painting are two of Toni’s great passions, she can also be found of late outside in her shed with a chainsaw in hand. After a large windstorm blew down hundreds of trees around their property, Toni began carving bear and wolf heads out of the downed wood and became enthralled with the process. She now carves much larger pieces and recently won an award at a chainsaw carving competition in Montana. She enjoys both gifting and selling her carvings and is always open for a commission piece!